Html keyword

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Keywords are items that will be replaced with content when INTERDUBS displays the client view. HTML keywords usually start with IDXHTML

Please never hesitate to get in touch if you need help designing or altering your INTERDUBS page. It is in your and our interest if your pages look as awesome as they can. And as you can see on our example pages there is no real limit to how much you can customize your INTERDUBS pages. Of course we are able to help you. For bigger projects we can recommend a roster of freelance designers that are familiar with the way pages are being designed for INTERDUBS.


Keywords in the html page


The keyword IDXHTML_ADDRESS will be replaced with the content with the value of the company address configuration.


The keyword IDXHTML_UPLOADLINK will be replaced with a link called upload when the configuration variable disable upload link is unchecked. The default for disable upload link is on.

IDXHTML_DOWNLOAD (htmlfileline) # download link , would be replacing hurting other items!


Can be used in HTML pages like:

HTML body content
old (pre DnD) HTML upload body

It will look at the configuration

HTML download all link

Which can contain the following keywords:

IDX_LINK the URL to do the download 
IDX_NUM the number of files to be downloaded 
IDX_PLURAL 's' for 2 or more, empty for 1 file.
IDX_MINSIZEDISP_X_ optional display of size of download. See below.

The X in IDX_MINSIZEDISP_X_ is a number that marks the minimum size in Megabyte that the download must be bigger in order to trigger the display the size. An example. Let's say your configuration looks like:

<a href='IDX_LINK'>Download IDX_NUM fileIDX_PLURAL IDX_MINSIZEDISP_10_</a>

When your download would be 4 files with a total of 8 Megabyte then the link would look like:

Download 4 files

Should it be 6 files with 12 Megabyte then it would be:

Download 6 files 12 MB


If an image has been uploaded for the login then this keyword will display it here in it's original resolution. See login image for details.

logins and jobs

An INTERUBS job client can contain multiple logins. Following are ways to recall them.


All logins in a give job with the id xxx. You can obtain the JOB ID from the edit job name screen.


A listing with all logins that share the current job. The current job is determined by the login that is currently active. Logins are being sorted by their password. If the password is ignoreme then the login will not be listed in the overview.

Each login listing is being defined via "login in job" (configuration logininjob) and can have the following keywords:


The link to the login.


The name of the login.


The link to the login. Ending in the size in in X:



A link to the previous login in the same job. Logins are being sorted by their password value.


A link to the nxt login in the same job. Logins are being sorted by their password value.


An image that will get uploaded for a login will have seven icons created for it:


The number indicates the width of the icon in pixels.

The class for these images is idx_login_image


this shows the actual content. I has various meanings:

login body

In the login screen this paramater will be replaced with error messages if user name and password should be invalid. configuration name: htmlbodylogin

content body

In the main login display this will be replaced with the listing for the current folder configuration name: htmlbodycontent

You can control this also via the variation IDXHTML_NOEMPTY_CONTENT which works exactly the same, except that it will surpress the 'this folder is empty' message.

Another variation is the IDXHTML_NOLIST_CONTENT keyword. This will NOT display the content of the folder, but other output, like the status of an upload. This is common in a blind upload situation: INTERDUBS can be configured so that end clients can upload content, but can not download any of it.

upload body

In the upload body this shows the content of the nested configuration titled HTML upload content.

play movie


play with comments

IDXHTML_CCOMMENT (htmlquicktime)

show client comments , shownode if finfo wmv or mov

IDXHTML_CURFRAME (htmlquicktime)

show frame number div, triggers cfg, shownode if finfo wmv or mov

IDXHTML_FILEDATE (htmlquicktime)

the date, stupid really that it's different than CONDDATE

IDXHTML_FILENAME (htmlquicktime)

first title, if that is not defined then the name


download link this opens <a> but does not close!


download link this opens <a> but does not close!

reel mode


The icons / listings of all the files in the folder. Each item will be listed according to config reellistitem.

and then there is a configuration called reeljscallback that if set will contain the body of a function. The id of the movied to be played will be handed over in a variable called reelid. todo: move this into the configuration documementation.


the icon image of the qt to be played (in reellistitem)


the name of qt to be played (in reellistitem)


same as IDXHTML_REELNAME, just that " characters are being replaced with "


the javascript function to be called if items need to get played (in reellistitem)


will be replaced by the id number of the item


Where the movies will be playing. Starts out as an empty div called qtblock. Javascript sets it to the clip currently playing.

Error page

When INTERDUBS encounters an error (mostly malformed URLs) then it displays a client error page that is defined via the configuration HTML error body

Among other keywords that can be used without a login / valid file it also can reference two specific ones that are only displayed on these error pages:


This is a line that describes the error.


This is a number the describes a unique error value. Support can help you much faster when you have this number at hand.

If you prefer then you can just not have skip any of these keywords and have a generic Error page. The vast majority of errors are malformed URLs. INTERDUBS always did quiet a bit of work on recovering malformed URLs. It is able to recover more than 80% of truncated, corrupted and otherwise horribly mistreated links while in the same time ensuring that no false positives lead to accidental data exposure.


The default for client error pages is it to show a feedback form that allows your client to get in touch. Both INTERDUBS support and root admins will get an email. The advantage of these emails is that it does already contain all the info about URL, browser etc. Information that can speed up the process to identify the cause for the display of the error page. If you do not like this form then simply remove IDXHTML_FEEDBACKFORM from the configuration set HTML error body

A logo can be rendered via a two keywords.

A logo file that has been defined via the logo function in the admin interface. It will be rendered at its original resolution, unless the logo resize configuration is being set.


999 being place holders: A logo that has been resized to fit in the box specified by the X and Y parameters of the name. If the logo resize configuration is set to either 'source' or 'XxY' then this setting will take precendence. See logo for details.


A Credit in INTERDUBS describes a qualified role.


the credits you have defined for a clip / file.


credits vertical, centered, spacing when credit category changes.


credits vertical, left justified


credits horizontal

Social Media links

A link that allows sharing of a reel etc via social media. See socialmedia for details.

The following services are supported right now:


A link to share the current page via Facebook


A link to share the current page via Twitter


A link to share the current page via Facebook

Mail forward

INTERDUBS can display a dialog that allows the forward of a page via email.


Please use this only once in you HTML template. It will insert the actual dialog template / html into your code.

You then can call it with any link that has id="dialog_link set

This example:

<a href="#" id="dialog_link"> forward this </a>

would use the link forward this to open a dialog that allows a forward via email.

File / folder listings

These keywords are being used at least in the non reel listing for files or folders. They might be valid elsewhere also. Neither is this section complete at this point.


The horizontal resolution of the file. In a file line listing: HTML line for each file


The vertical resolution of the file. In a file line listing: HTML line for each file


In a file listing this keyword gets replaced by a 40x27 pixel sized icon that specifies the file type. See also IDXHTML_MOVTYPEICON and IDXHTML_AUTOMOVTYPEICON.


In a file listing this keyword gets replaced by a 40x27 pixel sized icon that specifies the file type if the file is a Movie, WMV or flash video file. See also IDXHTML_TYPEICON and IDXHTML_AUTOMOVTYPEICON.


In a file listing this keyword gets replaced by a 40x27 pixel sized icon that specifies the file type if the file is a Movie, WMV or flash video file. The IDXHTML_AUTOMOVTYPEICON will only get displayed if the current listing does contain different types of clips. See also IDXHTML_TYPEICON and IDXHTML_MOVTYPEICON.


The internal ID of a file or folder. A number. Guaranteed to be unique and also persistent for that asset.


If the configuration client ratings is set then this will be replaced by any of the client ratings modes.

IDXHTML_FILEINFO (htmlfileline) # for movies and images its resolution and type


A text describing the type of the file. It can have the following values:

image file
flash video 
pdf file
movie file
movie file - no fast start
swf file
windows media
zip file

Should INTERDUBS not find any of these files then it will simply use the extension of the file. That case also implies that INTERDUBS does not do anything specific for the file in question.


Length of a clip in the format MM:SS or :SS if it is shorter than a minute


The expiration date of the file. In the format


Date info for files folders

The date of a file or folder can be displayed in various ways. You can disable the display of this via the [configuration] don't show file date and time


Upload date of the clip. If the clip got uploaded during the last 24 hours then it includes the time display as well.


The day of the upload of the file. In the format Month/Day/Year You can disable the display of this via the [configuration] don't show file date and time


The modification date of a folder.


The creation date in the format D/M/Y

the rest of this list is currently unsortet


A link to the home folder of the login. Helps to return from deep navigations.


The current year. This can be helpful for instance if you like to have a copyright notice on your pages that stays automatically current.


In a file listing this will be replaced by the content of the configuration:


if the file is one that comments can be left against.


The name of the job that the login is contained in. An empty string if the login is not assigned to a job.


Sometimes job names (eg 1234 Example Job) start with an internal job number like 1234. If you want to see the job name without that number on your client pages then you can this by doing the following:

Separate job and the rest by 3 dashes (---) like this:

1234 --- Example Job

Use in the HTML the keyword:


This will only display

Example Job

on your client pages.


in content will be set to the name of the folder if the folder is not the root folder for that login and if link is not restricted to one folder in email sent. If not set then the name of the folder will printed before the directory listing and comments. See html default content header.


The name of the current folder. Other than IDXHTML_DIRNAME this will display the name of the folder also when the login is at its home folder.


The actual comment that a client left in an comment notification email.


The default link that will play back an a asset. It contains

<a URL atributes >

So in

HTML line for each file

You would use something like:

IDXHTML_DEFPLAYLINK<img src="..."></a>

Please note the close text


the link to the corresponding coplay link for an item: Usually embedded in in and IDXIF clause like:



INTERDUBS will replace this keyword with a random image picked from the current folder. The image will be displayed as. Usually IDXHTML_RANDOM replaces IDXHTML_CONTENT and even more of the entire page.


see Html email


INTERDUBS inserts some javascript and css into the header section of the client page. The default is to do this just before the </head> tag. If you place IDXHTML_HEADERHERE anywhere then INTERDUBS will instead insert that content to replace IDXHTML_HEADERHERE


(htmlfileline) #master comment used in listing

(htmlcontent) comment of parent folder see html default content header for details


client comments for a file in the file listing


see Html email


see Html email


(htmlfileline) #master comment used in listing

this does not prepend the comment with a <br>


in a comment notification email the email address that has received this link.


works in listing as well as in play once


see Html email




The keyword IDXHTML_FORWARDLINK will be replaced by


where forward is a link that opens the dialog that allows client email forwarding

If you use IDXHTML_FORWARDLINK then you should not use IDXHTML_FWDDIALOG

If you would like to use your own anchor text and/or link icon then you can use IDXHTML_FWDDIALOG (see below)

The same keyword with a slightly different logic is also in use in Html email


At this point only in HTML emails. Will be replaced with a link to the client page that has the forward menu pre opened. The anchor element is an image based on a foreground / background colors in effect and the content of alphas/forward.png Also see Html email


This link opens the the clips in the current folder in a new window filling the entire screen.


in htmlfileline and htmlfileline this is hard coded. The css class is set to idx_icon

For listings in a review and approval page the configuration:


controls the appearance of this.

It is possible to set a variation for folders via the optional configuration:

	optional directory IDXHTML_ICON 

in the reellistitem this used for the config htmlclienticon config. The actual image path is refered to by IDXHTML_FILEICONPATH inside of the configuration icon IDXHTML_ICON


This variation of IDXHTML_ICON is displaying the same content, but does not sport a link. In other words the icon is not clickable.


This will show 'new' when the file is uploaded since the last visit. A new visit in INTERDUBS is when a page view has not happened in the last 12 minutes. This is stored and evaluated against the cookie of the visitor.

As of 090806 this is no longer part of the default config. More people didn't like it then they liked it.


Length of a clip in seconds. This goes into the configuration

HTML line for each file


Length of a clip in seconds. Also to be used in

HTML line for each file

An example would be

30 seconds

For files without a length this will be empty


link to the page in an comment notifcation email.



This is is the note as it has been set in the admin interface

IDXHTML_NAME #display name (in interpre(), but different meaning in dirline,fileline)


in dir and file line this is the name of the file


Deprecated 130128 since behavior is the default: Name without the ISCI Code appended


Deprectad 130128 since behavior is default: just the name without the ISCI code


At this point only in HTML emails. Will be replaced with a link to the client page. The anchor element is an image based on a foreground / background colors in effect and the content of alphas/open.png

Also see Html email


See Html email


Isci code of the node



The password of the current login.


The content of the project descriptions. Usually this refers to IDXHTML_LOGIN inside of a header tag.


Is set to "private" if a comment is private, or "public" if a comment is public. Used in the comment email notification.


The content of the internal note of the login.


The horizontal resolution of a clip / image etc in the screen that displays one file alone in the work in progress modes.


The vertical resolution of a clip / image etc in the screen that displays one file alone in the work in progress modes.




In a directory listing HTML line for each folder one can refer to the link of that folder via IDXHTML_RAWLINK. For example:

<a href="IDXHTML_RAWLINK">clicking here will go to the folder in question</a>


The search form that allows the client to search inside of the data of one login.

See client search for details


Tags for a given files. Either being displayed on the add comments screen or on the item for each reel.



the default

play | play-in-page 



The timepoint in the clip of a comment email notification.


If set then the link back to the parent folder will be displayed. If 'hide to parent folder' is not active in email, and this is not the home folder. The format is controlled via the link to parent page and can have the keywords IDX_LINK for the link and IDX_NAME for the name of the folder. See html default content header for details.


A link that will display the path of all parent folders as clickable links. Only is displayed if the hide link to parent folder is not enabled. Is not displaying anything when folder is the home folder of the login. The link to the home folder will be display with the anchor text "LOGIN NAME home" where LOGIN NAME is the name of the client login. This keyword often gets followed with IDXHTML_DIRNAME

To explicitly set the past folders and the current only you would use:


If the system does not detect IDXHTML_BREADCLINK then it will automatically add a default breadcrumb.


If you place the keyword IDXHTML_NOBREADCLINK anywhere on the page and don't have a IDXHTML_BREADCLINK then INTERDUBS will not display a navigation link what would allow up navigation.


This keyword will be replaced with the button if the file listed is a file that can be played by quicktime. See playback in quicktime X for details.


the play link for a movie that goes to it's own page. IDX_LINK is the link to the page that will be replaced. If no play is possible then the whole thing will be replaced by nothing

comes from the cfg variable



Link that will be used to play in page.

it uses the configuration value


the play in page specifics will be inserted between <A and href



Sometimes the breakdown of HTML keywords is not granular enough. In these case the INTERDUBS variable keywords can help. Imagine a situation where you build a menu system and have 5 different versions of this. The menu state needs to be different in each page, but the rest of the page is the same. Without Variables a change would mean changing five pages. With variables you only put what is different into the page directly and reference the rest via variables.








This keyword expects an integer number to be present for the XXX. This number will be multiplied by the number of clips visible on the page. The result replaces this keyword. This can -for instance- be helpful if a div needs to be centered and it's width needs to be known.


The link to the current page. Formated in a way that it can be part of the body parameter in a mailto link. For instance like this:

 ... &subject=YourSubject&body=IDXHTML_MAILLINKTOTHISPAGE ...

conditional html

Sometimes it can be beneficial if HTML shows only up if a certain keyword is not empty. This can be done by putting




around the text that should appear conditional. configname here is one of the configuration values. Please get in touch if you like to get a list of these configuration. Ask for the 'getconfigs' URL.

If the confgiruation exists and its content is empty or 0 then the text between the two above mentioned keywords will be filtered out. This process happens as the last process. You can not nest these statements.

An example would for instance be a line that would only show up if there is a logo, like:


This would show a logo in a 100x100 box IF it has been defined. Otherwise everything from IDXIF ... IDXENDIF would not be rendered. The two keywords would need to be probably on the same line.


A special case of the IDXIF clause is IDXIFPARENT_ It tests if there is a parent folder, and only then will render the text up to the next IDXENDIF

URL based conditional style

If INTERDUBS finds a inside of the first anchor tag (<a ... >) the keyword


then it will check if the end (after / ) of the link under href is contained in current URL of the page. If this is the case then IDX_NAMEDLINKMATCH will be replaced with


otherwise this keyword will be replaced with an empty string.


variable: idx_pageisloaded

this variable is 0 until the page is entirely loaded as indicated by the usual jQuery function.

variable: idx_canloadnext

Before the quickReel function loads the next movie it will check if this variable is still true.

function: idx_nextmov()

In a reel you can call the javascript idx_nextmov() function to jump to the next movie. On the last movie it will go to the first one.

function: idx_prevmov()

This will go to the movie before the current one. It will go to the last one if you are already on the first.

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