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Why configurations

Interdubs serves mulitple clients. Some of their needs are common, others are different. On top of that, different projects and INTERDUBS applications might benefit from the ability to change features and behaviors within one clients segment.

INTERDUBS accomplishes this with configuration parameters. You don't need to know about configurations to run and use INTERDUBS.

configurations are only interesting if you like to customize and extend the way INTERDUBS works for you. You can also let us implement your wishes. See Services for details.

The entire client section in INTERDUBS is based on configurations. Naturally there is a large number of parameters. Some of them simple, other seemingly complex. Please always get in touch if you like to accomplish something and have trouble finding the right configuration for the task.

Example: client uploads

Interdubs allows clients to upload files as well. This functionality is useful in some case, but often not desired. That's why the default is that uploads are not visible. You can change this for individual logins by clicking on the config login icon in front of the login that you like to update. A screen will all the login options will appear.

On the lower part of the screen you can see that the Disable client uploads configuration is checked and that it gets its value from the global configuration. (see configuration hierarchy). The first thing we need to do is to make this configuration value controllable by this login by clicking on the + link. Once the login has it's own instance of the configuration we can uncheck the box. This will enable the display of the upload link in the client view.

Icon size

When Interdubs uploads a clip or image then it does generate Icon frames that will be visible during navigation. It does so for the following widths:

  • 60
  • 100
  • 140
  • 180
  • 240
  • 320
  • 400

When you like to alter the size of the icons for a login then select the edit login icon in the beginning of the icon listings. In the bottom of the page you will find the Icons parameter. Click on the + sign to create a variable local to this login in the configuration hierarchy. Then you can select an icon size just for the current login. You can check how your changes look via the client view link.

How to change configurations values

See edit configuration values for details how to update the values.

Complete list of configuration values

This is a complete list of configuration variables. The names used here are the ones used in the code. Not as helpful for most people. There is also a live view of all configuration variables. Get in touch to for an URL.


Description: email address

Type: line


Description: login based html replaces IDXHTML_PROJECT

Type: txt


Description: email subject

Type: line


Description: email template

Type: txt


Description: default to send HTML email

Type: bool


Description: HTML email body

Type: txt


Description: mail address(es) to bcc on all mails sent.

Type: line

You can enter one or more email addresses separated by comma or space here. This will cause INTERDUBS to send a copy of each email sent out to those addresses. The email is sent like a BCC email: The normal recipient will not see that a copy has been created.

Companies keep such an address to have a complete log of all emails sent out via INTERDUBS.

You can also set a BCC address under your Personal configuration

If you set a personal BCC address then the public one will not be used.

The BCC email will always contain information who else has received the email. This makes the BCC email a great resource for everybody who likes to keep in the loop on mails sent.

BCC mails will be generated for:

mails sent by the admin interface 
client upload notifications
client comment notifications


Description: Disable comments

Type: bool


Description: Disable download options

Type: bool


Description: Disable upload option

Type: bool


Description: encryption

Type: mch

When this is checked then all client connections will be encrypted. The prefix for such connections is https not http


Description: Icons The size of the icon (aka Thumbnail) in X. you can choose from 7 predefined sizes, as outlined here: INTERDUBS_for_Web_Designers#Thumbnail_sizes

Type: mch


Description: Upper limit for icon height

You can have icons being reduced in height to this limit. This is handy if you deal with different aspect ratios or have images in portrait mode.

Type: int


Description: icon frame location

Type: line

The location of the icon in the quicktime.


Description: default order in display

Type: mch

This sets how INTERDUBS will order elements in a newly creaeted folder. You can change this for each folder. see sort order


Description: Play Options

Type: mch


Description: Timezone difference in hours from PDT (e.g: east coast is 3)

Type: int


Description: File name template

Type: line

See File name template for details.


Description: format of time display

Type: line


Description: don't show file date and time

Type: bool


Description: format of todays date folder

Type: line


Description: iPhones see compatible navigation

Type: bool


Description: old (pre DnD) HTML upload content

Type: txt

see Client_side_uploads for details


Description: HTML header

Type: txt


Description: HTML header (staging)

Type: txt

htmlhead is being used to launch all client pages. If you like do update this page while making sure that you do not alter the look and feel of existing pages then you can use the staging variation of the configuration. If the URL contains staging=1 then this variaion will get used instead of the normal htmlhead variable. Once satisfied you can copy the copay from the staging area to the one that is in use.


Description: HTML login body

Type: txt

This is the HTML template that creates the generic login page presented to a client.

Since at this point the visitor is not signed into a login, it is valid for the entire segment, and can not be controlled via looks or other configurations.


Description: HTML login body

Type: txt

Since htmlbodylogin is not skinneable via looks or logins, there needs to be a way to preview changes. This can be done via the staging login configuration. To elect this view use the login URL of your segment and append staging=1 as a parameter.

This config is empty by default. When staging=1 gets used then a different HTML head variable is being used. Both are empty by default.


Description: HTML content body

Type: txt


Description: Text Color IDXHTML_TXTCOL

Type: color


Description: Background Color IDXHTML_BGCOL

Type: color


Description: Link Color IDXHTML_LNCOL

Type: color


patch090122 usually contains a
this was hard coded until 1/22/09 But then there was a design that needed to get rid of this. The location of this is just above contenttablestart that is triggered via IDXHTML_CONTENT


Description: table start for content

Type: line


Description: HTML line for each folder

Type: txt


Description: HTML line for each file

Type: txt


Description: download all link

Type: line

Link to download all files. IDX_LINK will be replaced by the URL that will be used to download everything.

IDX_NUM can be used as placeholder to indicate the number of files

IDX_PLURAL is an 's' when there are more than one files to be downloaded



Description: subscription link for RSS

Type: line

Link to subscribe to content via RSS IDX_LINK will be replaced by the URL that will be used as RSS feed.

Does replace IDXHTML_PODCAST If empty then it will use the default that will have an icon and an opening link but which does NOT include anchor text and closing </a>

When you disable downloads then this link will dissapear up and including the remaining anchor text.


the link that will play, check html keyword for more info


the link that will play in page. check html keyword for more info


A google analytics code. If this is a number in the form XXXXXX-YY then INTERDUBS will insert google analytics code into the page served with this code.


Description: HTML upload link, replaces IDXHTML_UPLOADLINK

Type: line

IDX_LINK will be replaced by the link that serves as an upload template.


Description: client upload via Drag and Drop (DnD)

Type: bool

A flag that controls if client side uploads are being handled via drag and drop or classic HTML.

See Client_side_uploads for details.


Description: old (pre DnD) HTML upload body

Type: txt

see Client_side_uploads for details


Description: HTML play movie body

Type: txt


Description: Link to previous movie. IDX_LINK is the actual link. Will appear where IDXHTML_PREVMOV appears in the html.

Type: line


Description: Link to previous movie. IDX_LINK is the actual link. Will appear where IDXHTML_NEXTMOV appears in the html.

Type: line


this is the comment header form, that starts with

<TEXTAREA name="comment" rows="6" cols="80" >IDX2C_CONTENT</TEXTAREA>

your name
<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="155" NAME="author" VALUE="IDX2C_AUTHOR" style="width: 206px;">

<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="private" value="1"> Don't display comment here.

Email with your comments will be sent to IDX2C_EMAILADDRESS.

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="send"> </FORM>

variales replacable are

IDX2_COMMENTHEAD header function IDX2_HASCURFRAME optional and pulled from htmlcurframe (see below) IDX2C_NAME name of the clip IDX2C_CONTENT IDX2C_AUTHOR IDX2C_EMAILADDRESS


optional when clip actually has curframe ability

starts as

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">   
<INPUT type="hidden" name ="hiddencframe" value ="">
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="oncurframe" value="1" > comment is about the current  frame


Description: play on page background black

Type: bool

When a movie gets play inside of a page in a layered overlay play in page then the background is usually darkened but still visible. Whith this setting you can make this completely opaque.

Please also see play in page config


Description: play on page background gray

Type: bool

When a movie gets play inside of a page in a layered overlay play in page then the background is usually darkened but still visible. Whith this setting you can make this completely opaque and gray. This setting only has effect when playonblack is disabled.

Please also see play in page config


Description: base URL for lightwindow script

If you like to further configure and adopt the way the play in page looks you can set a different basic URL for the scripts. Please see play in page config for details.


Description: no play-in-page for safari

Type: bool

As of Version 3.1.2 play-in-page movies do not play smooth in Safari. With this option checked the play in page option will not be offered in the Safari browser any longer.


Description: Start playing right away

Type: bool

Controls if the reel mode starts playing automatically or not after the page is loaded.


Description: Play clips one after the other in reel

Type: bool

when this is unchecked then clips in a reel will not play one after the other.


Description: Loop reel after played last item

Type: bool

If set then the clips in a reel will start playing at the beginning again once they are done.


Description: load first movie on page load

Type: bool

If this is set then in a quickReel the first movie will be loaded when the page is being loaded. If this is unset then you probably should set something else to show up where the clips will play. This can be done via the reelinitialqtblock configuration variable


Description: initial qtblock content

Type: txt

The content of the div qtblock. Since all movie play functions will overwrite this, it makes probably only send to be set when reeloadonpageload is off.


Description: HTML for each item in reel

Type: txt


Description: javascript callback body for item in reel using reelid

Type: txt


Description: download link

Type: line

in htmlfileline used when a file has been added after last visit


Description: download link, already downloaded

Type: line

in htmlfileline used when a file has been added before last visit


Description: font attributes for play links

Type: line


Description: Comment Icons


Description: Expiry default

Type: line

controls the default timeout for Expiring Media


Description: Quicktime current frame display

Type: mch

times of movies can be displayed in three different ways:

Seconds and fractions

time in seconds. the number of fractions can be changed with a configuration as well.

Timecode HH:MM:SS:FF

timecode including the hours even if these are zero

Timecode MM:SS:FF

The number of frames. The FPS are derived from the FPS / precision parameter


Description: Timecode FPS -or- number of digits fractions

Type: int

This parameter controls either how many digits the time will use or which fps the timecode is based on. Common values for the later would be 24,25 or 30. Probably not 29.97


Description: Time display offset either in HH:MM:SS:FF or seconds

Type: line

A time offset can be used to alter the offset. If the quicktimes first frame is at 'hour one' then you would enter 01:00:00:00 here.

Or if you have a 5 second slate in front of the material then you would enter -5 here. or 00:59:55:00

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