Html email

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HTML email

INTERDUBS can either send standard text based email or email that is created with HTML formattting.

The default is the more simple text email.

You can change this on a per mail basis. If you like to change the default for email to be html then you can change the configuration variable labeled use html email.

You still can override this by unchecked the checkbox in the first email screen.

It is quiet common to send Work in Progress notifications via text email and reels via HTML email.

configuration of HTML email

HTML Email can be configured via two configuration variables:

html email header

The first is of more technical nature and contains the mail header additions that will be sent for HTML email. You probably should not need to change this from its default.

html email body

The html email body is what will make the email. INTERDUBS expects there to be a keyword called:


If you like to replace the view links as well as the link that the image in an html email points to with something then you do this with a statement like:

in your HTML email template. In the example above the link would be A space after the link is needed to terminate it.

This feature is helpful when you want to avoid to send out direct links with HTML emails.


This keyword will be replaced with the email text that the user saw and edited. Line breaks in the user edited texts will be replaced with br html keywords before the text will be replaced.


this will be preplaced with whatever color the configuration value for Text Color IDXHTML_TXTCOL holds. It is used for the text color of your website and HTML email.


this will be preplaced with whatever color the configuration value for Background Color IDXHTML_BGCOL holds.


this will be preplaced with whatever color the configuration value for Link Color IDXHTML_LNCOL holds. Actually INTERDUBS will replace the links found in the body text with real html links and will then apply a style color keyword with the value of IDXHTML_LNCOL, so this keyword should not even need to show up in the html email body template.


Will be replaced with a link to the client page that has the forward menu pre opened. The anchor element is an image based on a foreground / background colors in effect and the content of alphas/forward.png


Will be replaced by the link that allows a forward of the page.


Will be replaced with a link to the client page. The anchor element is an image based on a foreground / background colors in effect and the content of alphas/open.png


Will be replaced with the link that opens the reel.


The icon of the first clip in the folder / login. Only being applicable in HTML email. x stands for a number referring to the icon size to be used:

IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_1_ 75 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_2_ 100 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_3_ 140 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_4_ 180 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_5_ 240 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_6_ 320 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_7_ 400 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_108_ original size 

Should a image for a login be defined then this will be used instead of the icon for the first clip. The corresponding sizes are:

IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_1_ 30 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_2_ 60 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_3_ 100 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_4_ 180 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_5_ 240 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_6_ 320 pixels wide
IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_7_ 400 pixels wide

As a variation of the IDXHTML_FIRSTICON keyword you can also include a rendering width. To display the original thumbnail but maximum 550 pixels wide you would use the keyword:


Similarly to IDXHTML_FIRSTICON_x_ this will display a list of all icons for the main folder of the login. The title will appear to the side of the icons. At this point formatting of this is hardcoded as a vertical column. It can be broken out into another configuration if needed.


A controlled grid of thumbnails. The 4 parameters seperetad by _ with a leading _ are mandatory and are being evaluated as followed:

A Icon Size index. An index into the thumbnail sizes. 3 for instance is 180 pixels wide.

B Number of columns. How many thumbnails are being displayed in each row.

C The horizontal distance between thumbnails

D The vertical distance between thumbnail rows.

INTERDUBS will pick icons in different sizes and rows depending on how many clips and therefor icons your presentation has. The idea is that people should see all clips in one view. No matter if there is one (big icon) or there are 18. Above 20 icons the pattern is simply structured in rows by 5 icons each.


Right now only in HTML email: the cname (part right after /r/ in the path) of the segment


Right now only in HTML email: The display name set in the config. Usually being displayed in the title bar.


Login name. Note the IDXEMAIL keyword difference


Path of the folder refernced


Folder name

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