Personal preferences

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In the Utilities menu or the footer of an INTERDUBS page you find a link to your personal preferences:


Rep Admin interface

Enabling this will allow you to use INTERDUBS like an admin that uses it in Rep admin use would do. See Rep mode

automatic sign-out

You can specify a time of inactivity that will sign you out automatically. See Admin#sign_out.

landing page after sign-in

When you signed in you can control where the INTERDUBS admin interface should take you. You can choose:

personal configuration (f* knows why this would be helpful to anybody)
login history (a list your recently used/accessed client logins, this IS helpful)
last folder that you used in the admin interface
general login listing page
general folder listing page


INTERDUBS evaluates your password strength and gives recommendations should it be too weak. You can also edit your password from this page.

personal home folder

INTERDUBS allows an admin to set a personal home folder that all new logins will be created under for instance.

internal note snippets length

You can add an internal login note to each login or reel in INTERDUBS. Client information like their contact data, or other interesting info is often being put here. Instead of seeing the password in login listing you can see the first characters of this internal notes.

changing title will also change file name

INTERDUBS maintains a visible title and actual file name foreach item it stores. Enabling this checkbox will automatically change the file name when you change the title of a name.

In order to save screen real estate you can disable the display of the INTERDUBS logo on top of the admin pages

Enable pro sort

Some admin users have particular needs in terms of controlling the order of the content in INTERDUBS. Enabling this feature will allow them to see and manipulate and control the sort order in a very detailed fashion. It allows you things like uploading spots and have them appear precisely after the 57th listing. Information and features for the pro sort functions appear in a green color in the admin interface. See pro sort order for details.

login deletion and folders

An admin can control if the deletion of logins will automatically remove folders from the system. Of course folders will only be deleted when they, or any subfolder are not being referenced by a different login

personal email template

You can have your own personal email template that gets used instead of the one from the configuration of the segment, login or look.

bcc email

You can define an email address (usually yours) that will receive a blind carbon copy of each email that you sent out via INTERDUBS. If you specify a personal BCC email address then one set via the configuration will no longer be used.

Personal tools