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Admin access

While a client uses a login to access parts of the data stored in INTERDUBS an admin user manages content. Usually admin users are employees of a company using INTERDUBS.

Adding admin users

See adding admin users for information on how you can add admin users to your segment.

sign in

To differentiate it from a login the authentication of an admin user is called a sign-in.

sign in email

An admin user signs in with her email address and password. It is very beneficial if the same person uses the same email address for admin sign ins in different INTERDUBS segments.


A password authenticates you against the site. Should you have forgotten your password then you can have the system send you a password reset link email.. While you can use any password, we like to encourage you to use a secure one.


You can also fill in your name to identify you easier. Depending on the settings for your INTERDUBS segment this might be mandatory.

sign out

auto sign out

Depending on your personal preferences INTERDUBS might sign you out after a defined period of inactivity. This is recommended when you switch computers you use frequently.

segment wide sign-out timeout

INTERDUBS can set a segment wide sign-out timeout. If your company like to enforce a sign-out policy that every admin user has to adhere to then please get in touch. Admins can no longer override the sign-out timeout once this value is set for the segment.

sign out

Via a link called sign-out in the footer of each INTERDUBS admin page you can sign-out via one click.

sign out by signing in somewhere else

INTERDUBS can be configured for your segment to sign an admin out if he signs in on a different computer. The default is to allow simultaneous admin sign-ins.

creating an admin sign-in

There are two ways to create a new admin sign in for a segment in INTERDUBS:

request a new sign-in

A potential admin can request an admin sign. All root admin users of the segment will receive a notification email for this request that they can accept to decline. It is possible to restrict the email domains for such requests to decrease the possibility of accidental approvals.

creation of a new admin sign-in

A root admin can also create new admin users and assign name, email and password to them.

disabling an admin sign-in

A root admin can disable other admins. These admins can no longer use INTERDUBS, but their credentials remain in the system.

This is helpful for instance for freelance admins. Disabling only affects one INTERDUBS segments. Re-enabling an admin can be done via the edit admin screen that root admins have access to.

A disabled admin will show how many logins and reels use its email address. You can re assign a new email address to these logins and reels. In fact you need to do so if you like to delete the admin sign in.

deleting an admin

You can manage other admins via the last function on the utilities page: "manage admin users"

There you can select the 'click to disable' in the end to remove access of the admins to the admin interface.

Only root admins can do that. You can change the root/non root status on the edit admin screen (pencil link)

Once you have disabled the admin you might have to re assign a new email address to the logins /reels that person created. That way all communications that might come in against that content know where to go.

After the email of the disabled admin is no longer in use you can delete it.

In order to delete an admin from the system you have to first disable this admin, and then assign a new email address to all logins using this admins emails.

Once these logins have a different email address you can go ahead and remove the admin from the system.

An admin sign in can also be permanently deleting. If that person would use INTERDUBS again in the future then she would need to redo her personal preferences etc.

Using several segments with one admin sign in

It is common that the same person uses INTERDUBS with different companies. Or one company has different INTERDUBS segments that serve different purposes. Each admin sign-in is only valid in one segment.

You need to create / request an admin sign-in for each INTERDUBS segment you would like to use.

using email address as key

When you have multiple INTERDUBS admin sign-ins with different INTERDUBS segments then you can facility working with those a great deal when you use the same email address in all of those. If you are signed in, in one INTERDUBS segment, and you switch to another one, INTERDUBS will see if an admin sign-in with your email address exists in that one. If it does then it will automatically sign you in. You are a different sign-in, but don't need to sign-in again when you switch

Should your admin user history of INTERDUBS have left you with several email addresses then please get in touch: we can consolidate this for you very quickly.

settings are local

Since admin sign-ins in different segments are independent from each other, the settings under personal prefernce are different too.

roles are local

Since each admin sign-in is independent their state (disabled, root, rep etc) can be controlled individually from each other.

multiple people sharing one admin account

It is possible for multiple people to share one admin account. While INTERDUBS has no problem with that the experience of our clients shows that things work much smoother when each admin user has her own account. See shared admin use for details.

admin roles

There can be three levels of admins: Root admin, Admin and Rep mode. See Admin roles for an overview.

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