Edit configuration values

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Configuration values exist in a configuration hierarchy. Altering configurations works the same, independent on which level you change the variables. Each variable listing has the following sections:

  • +/- to create or remove instance on this level
  • the level that is in use if it is not a locally defined variable
  • the current value or a link to view / edit it
  • the name of the paramter


Create a variable instance on the current level

A + sign will create an instance of the variable on the current level. The content of the next underlying level that is defined will be copied into this variable. At this point you have not changed anything noticably. Should you change the underlying value, then you will find that the more value is actually being used.

Destroy a variable instance on the current level

A red - sign is the opposite of the + sign: It does remove the configuration instance. Interdubs will use the variable for the next level below that is defined. Since all configuration variables exist at least in form of a global read only instance interdubs can always find a value.

Change the value of a configuration

When changed variable values please do not forget to click the UPDATE button after you made your changes. In order to change a configuration value might need to create an editable instance first (see above). When you remove or create variable instances with the + or - sign then all unsaved variable changes you might have made on this page will get lost.

multiple choice

Multiple choice variables will show you a list of possible options. These are the same for all levels, and depend on what the variable has to do. Icon sizes are for instance stored in a multiple choice configuration.

check boxes

Check boxes can be either on or off. Please read the text, since some checkboxes are used to disable something. You need to have no checkbox set to have something more in those cases. Like the disable upload option.

single line text

Some paramters contain a single line of text. Like an email.

mulit line text

Multi line text will not be displayed in the variable lists, since it can be quiet a bit. If you don't have a local instance yet, then you will find a view link to see the content of the variable in use. If you have a local instance, then use the edit link to change the contents. Like all parameters the instance starts out with the content of the next valid level.

Reset a setting

Sometimes it happens that you choose a value or setting for a configuration that is nothing you like to keep. To go back to the system default is easy;

Simply delete the wrong setting with the (-) function. The setting below will be exposed. If you click (+) then you get a local copy of this value and can start over.

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