User Interface

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The admin user interface changes and evolves constantly. But a couple of underlying principles are being implemented. Knowing about them might be helpful to understand certain choices. If in doubt you can always click on something! All actions that are not easily reversable will prompt you for a confirmation before they do any harm.



Functionalities are available via Buttons, icons or text links.


Buttons are used for functions that are frequently in use. Buttons can have three colors:

functions that are related to logins have a greenish button color. functions that are related to files have a bluish button color. All other utility functions have a red button background color.

Hoverving over a Button icon will reveal additional information about what it would do.


Icons are used for functions that are not as significant as buttons. Or they are simply less frequently in use. Similarly to buttons they will display text the mouse hovers over them.


Menus offer most of the functionalities, either general or based on the current object you selected.

Top Menu

Below the logo there is always the top menu:



then all the rest under:


and finally


Search is only a single function, but since it will grow more and more powerful in the future it should have a prominent spot.

Second Button Row

Below the main button row that never changes you can find often the secondary button row that features the most used function and features for a given item that you currently look at.

Third Icon Row

Under the second button row you will see extra functions that have no real button, but just an icon. Hover with the mouse over them to see a brief text description. If in doubt then click on it, or ask.


Listings use icons to save room and offer many direct functionalities for their contents.

edit entries

If a row of a listing is preceding by an icon, then this is always the function to edit the specific entry.



Messages are being display on different colored backgrounds, depending on their importance and meaning. See Background colors

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