Background colors

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The INTERDUBS admin interface uses colors for different purposes


Menu colors


A green button is for a function that related to a login

Logins manage the client access to your files and data


A blue button indicates a function that operates on the files that you uploaded into INTERDUBS.


A purple button is for functions neither relating to client access or data. Many of these functions you will find under the utilities menu/

General User Interface colors


This is a default action, something you mostly like want to do next.

light yellow

optional input. You can skip over these sections in format. They are there, and you can use them. But most people leave them at their default.

light blue

additional information. Little hints along the way. Useful notifications. But also safe to ignore


The system tried to do something, and was unable to. An email address could not be reached for instance. Errors need of course your intention: INTERDUBS felt you wanted to do something and was unable to do so. Please let me know if you get stuck here, or things should work better.

See also User Interface

Personal tools