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introduction clip


The easy way to make a reel

The quickReel mode allows anybody to create a custom online reels in the easiest way possible. It assumes that you did upload your clips to INTERDUBS already.

INTERDUBS quickReel search

Start by entering part of a search term into the search box.

INTERDUBS will look by default in the filename, tags, titles or notes of the files for a match. Usually INTERDUBS will only use quicktime files for quickReels since only those files can be stringed together in the resulting play reel. But you can change this behavior.


If you create a folder called REEL_SOURCES then all folders within it will become possible selection choices in the quickReel function. See REEL_SOURCES for details.

Restrict folders

only root admins control reel source folder

If you enable the configuration only root admins control reel source folder then only root admins will have the functions to set / unset folders as quickReel sources. When being in quickReel you only see the folders that are used as sources. They are all enabled.

Source folder restriction

You can instruct INTERDUBS to only look in specific folders for quickReel source clips.

Under files navigate to the desired source folder and then click on the add folder to quickReel selection. You will be prompted if you would like to add the folder for everybody in your INTERDUBS segment or just you.

If you see a delete folder from private quickReel selection icon in a folder listing then this indicates that the folder is a private selection. Clicking on this icon will remove it from the choices.

If you see a delete folder from public quickReel selection icon in a folder listing then this indicates that the folder is a public selection. Clicking on this icon will remove it from everybodies choices.

Use folder restrictions

When you have selected INTERDUBS folders they will be display in the upper right part of the screen in the quickReel selection. If you select one or more folders then INTERDUBS will only display search results for clips that are inside of those folders.

Home folder for rep users

Similar to source folder restrictions you can control the access for Reps by setting a home folder. See Rep_mode#Restrict_data_via_home_folders for details.


display only clips with archive flag

The display only clips with archive flag option allows you to filter your results.

use folder name in search

INTERDUBS will also use the folder name that the clips exists in when the option use folder name in search is been set. This is on by default since the folder name often contain valuable information. Like the name of the director.

Boolean search additions

In order to refine the search result you can add boolean modifiers.


If you like to show results that also match a second parameter then simply add this with two signs in front of it.


If you like to exclude results that match a string then use two minus signs in front of the string.


Lets assume for this example that you have the following clips in INTERDUBS:


If you search for


then you would get


since these two names contain pe. If you wanted to see all names that contained pe AND ear then you could enter

pe ++ ear

which would give you


(yes, this is a silly example.) Searching for everything containing ea but not 'p' would look like:

ea --p

and this would show us


The first token will be used to search and then subsequent -- or ++ introduce AND NOT and AND conditions.

The easiest is probably to just try it and see how the search changes when you add parameters that follow -- or ++. INTERDUBS will show you how it understood what you entered.

2000 result clips

INTERDUBS shows you the first 2000 results. There is no next button since it seems easier to narrow down the search instead of clicking through endless lists.

Making the actual reel

Once you have clips in the content area you can add them to your reel.

Drag clips to filmstrip

You add clips by dragging them on to the filmstrip on the right of the screen.


The order of clips will be controled where you dragged the clip on the strip. Drag a clip on top of another one to insert it BEFORE that clip

Changing the order

You can also change the order of the clips of your reel be dragging from the filmstrip on to the clip that it should be inserted before

Removing a clip

A clip can be removed from the film strip by dragging it to the right of the filmstrip

search again

At any time can you issue a new search to get clips into the content field.

save reel

Once you like the order of your reel click on the save reel link. The next screen will ask you for a name for your reel. Once you given it a name the email dialog will come up, since it is most likely that you made the reel to send it to somebody.

quickReel look

If your segment has a look named quickReel then this look will be preselected. It is this look that will make the login you just created behave like a quickReel. You can have multiple different looks that you can assign during creation or later to your reels.

quickReels and logins

A quickReel is a normal login. It will be assigned to a job called 'quickReel'. Likewise their folders will be created under the folder 'quickReel'.

Copied data

The quickReel process copies the clips you selected. This is helpful, since you can alter thumbnails, titles etc for each reel, without interfering with your source material or other reels that got created from the same source data. INTERUDBS does NOT charge for copied data. Only original content will be taken into account for invoicing.

Clip resize

As of June 2012 INTERDUBS resizes the clips in quickReel looks automatically. See reel clip resize mode for details and ways to alter this behavior.

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