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INTERDUBS can easily copy files and folders into another folder:


Select source

Select the check box of a file or folder that you like to copy. You can do this in a files listing or on the search screen.

After you selected one or more files or folders the Files icon row will appear.

Select the

 copy file 

Select Destination

The next screen determinses the destination of your copy operation.

Search option

Should none of the sections described below should offer you the right destination folder then you can enter part of the folder name in the brown search box on top of the screen.

As you type INTERDUBS will search for the folder in question. The

 clear search 

button brings back the initially displayed sections.

copy location

You can instruct INTERDUBS to arrange the copied files after or before the current files in the target folder. The order here refers to the client pages.

Copy destination sections

When no search is active then INTERDUBS displays a couple of sections with folders:

recently created folders

The 10 last folders that got created in the system. Listed from new to old.

folders in the current login

This section lists all folders that are under the login that the source file is under.

folders in open jobs

A job group logins together. If a job is open then all its folders will be listed in this section. See Job client for details.

folders you recently visited

These are the folders that you personally visited recently. Ordered from new to old.

All folders

If you have less than 200 folders in INTERDUBS then the system will show them in the last section.


Selecting a target folder will copy the selected file(s). This can take a couple of seconds.

Copied files will not be counted in your storage seen by invoicing number.

Each file copied will receive a Copy generation counter. See Copied_files for details.

Target folder

INTERDUBS will show you the target folder of the copy operation after the copy is complete.

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