Archive folder

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Archive Folder

With the archive folder function you can archive folder out of the INTERDUBS system. You have multiple options to obtain this data. Which one is best primarily depends on the volume of your archive.



In order to archive a folder you navigate to it in the files section. Then simply click on the archive folder icon. A screen with settings will be displayed next.

Target method and archive size

You can either download the archive right away or can start a background archive process. We recommend that you use the background archive process for archives larger 1GB.

You can try to archive larger files in a direct download archive. For direct archives larger than 2GB we recommend to use the tar format, since zip's larger than 2GB are sometimes incompatible.

See more below to the different archive method.

include subfolders

When this is set then all sub folders will be included in the archive. This is checked by default.

include hidden files and folders

If this is set then files and folders that are set to hidden will be included in the archive.

include expired files

The INTERDUBS archive folder function will also archive expired files if this parameter is set.

meta data

If you set this then the information contains in the meta data of the file will be included as well.

The format with this will be one that allows INTERDUBS to recreate it should you upload the archive again via the ftp or droplet interface.

Currently the thumbnail position is not part of this meta data archive.

archive file type

A web browser can only download 1 file at a time. So a direct archive needs to create a temporary single file that contains your archive. Depending on the size of the archive this can take some time. There are two possible file types:


INTERDUBS can create zip archives. Up to 2GB file size you should have no problem opening zip files.

Above 2GB many zip versions have problems reading the content.

For large archives we recommend the use of tar or background archives.

Since INTERDUBS content is usually compressed (h264 etc) it makes no sense to use the zip compression, since no space can be gained.


The tar command has no size limit in the archive that it does create. It is recommended to use tar for larger archives.

Background archive to plain vanilla ftp via tasks

We also documented this function under Expired_file_cleanup#Create_an_Archive

For large data we highly recommend to archive your folders to an plain vanilla location. From there you can easily copy everything with a normal FTP clients.

A background archive to plain vanilla ftp does not need to condense all files into one archive. Therefore there is no size limit to your archive.

In order to archive a folder to a plain vanilla ftp account you need to have at least one. You can create them easily under utilities.

When there is at least one plain vanilla ftp account then you can select it as a destination. INTERDUBS will create a task with the desired archive.

You can see under utilities the task menu in the end of the information section. There you can see if your task has been completed.

During the archive you will find a file called CURRENTLY_ARCHIVING.txt that contains information about the archive currently being written.

Once the archive is complete this file will be replaced by one called ARCHIVE_INFO.txt

Archive download

Once the archive is complete you can download it with any FTP program.

With Cyberduck for instance you can use the synchronize feature under action. This has the advantage that unfinihsed downloads can get resumed.

Archive flag

The Archive folder function is not related to the archive flag that files can have.

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