Folder permissions

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INTERDUBS separates client and admin interface. Since its inception the system allowed for very fine grained access and feature control on the client interface side.

For the admin interface we assumed a small group of admins that would collaborate and that would not need technology to keep them in check. As the system develops and the groups using it grew some of our clients found needs for a more customizable access.

The INTERDUBS Rep_mode could be seen as an extreme implementation of this.

For the Root folder we enable features to allow only a root admin (no relationship) to add new folders.


A more generalized concept are folder permissions. Currently only write access and the ability create a new login for a folder can be controlled:

-w will remove the ability to write to a folder
-l will prevent the operation of the  add login button for a folder

If an admin does not have permissions to write to a folder then she can not change the contents inside of the folder or change the folder meta data.

Removing write permissions is being done for a given admin level. Removing write permission for a specific admin level will remove the ability to write for all admin on that and all lower levels. The order of admin levels is as follows:

s-w  super root admin, only INTERDUBS personal has this level
r-w  root admins, usually there are only few admins, but at least one in each segments. See [[root admin] for details
a-w  admin users, the default mode for an admin
e-w  rep user, people using INTERDUBS with a different, simplified interface. 

The most common initial application that a root admin sets specific folders with


as read only for the other admins. Obviously these folders should contain other folders that these admins then can use.

If you have a folder that can should not allow logins then you can do so via the


setting. Specially if you put all your login-folders inside of a sub folder this might be helpful, since it prevents that accidentally the entire folder gets published.

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