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INTERDUBS offers you as much as space as you need to store your active data.


Updated method 2015

On January 6 we updated the method how INTERDUBS calculates storage. This can result in lowered storage use and charges in some cases. The updated method can NOT increase the storage count.

Storage seen by invoicing

INTERDUBS pricing is based on the amount of storage in use on the last day of the month. The pricing is as follows:

0-3.999 GB  $135
4-10.999 GB $195 
11-50 GB $285
each GB over 50GB is $3

INTERDUBS only uses the actual used spaced as it is listed under 'storage seen by invoicing' in the root folder. This can be considerably lower than the total space seen by the database.

Making reels will increase the space general database space listings but NOT the space seen by invoicing as it is displayed in the root folder. See below for for details.

Updates on storage seen by invoicing

The process of calculating the actual space is taking a little bit of time. Therefor this happens usually only once a day around 2am PDT.

If you like, you can trigger an update of this number by clicking on

 update storage seen by invoicing




 storage details

or in the

 Tune Up menu

If your database storage should be lower than the storage seen by invoicing number then you will also click on a link under the


menu above the root folder information.

Duplicated files in INTERDUBS

When you copy a file in INTERDUBS then the space as seen by the database grows by the amount of the copied file. Each file is independent of each other. You can alter a clip name or thumbnail for a specific clip in a specific reel and only that one will be affected. Of course you can also opt to change settings for all identical files, not matter where they exist.

INTERDUBS uses so called deduplication for storage. It is aware when content is identical, and only stores it once. That's why copies of data do NOT increase the actual footprint. Which is also why we don't charge for it.

Client vs Used Space

The client interface will not list space and file counts that are unavailable to a client either because they are hidden or expired.

When more than 10% of all used space is allocated by expired or hidden files then INTERDUBS will show in the top of the root file listing how much of your data is actually client accessible.

clean up

INTERDUBS makes it easy to add material. But it is also very easy to manage Old_material.

Please also look at Expired_file_cleanup.

Under data maintenance in the utils menu you find tools to clean up your storage footprint.

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