Client domain

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Client Domain

This pages illustrates how you can have INTERDUBS run on your own Domain name. Basically nothing in your postings or reels has to indicate that you use INTERDUBS.

Usually INTERDUBS generates links that have the format:

See below for a list of data centers. CLIENTNAME is the usually name of your company. Please have a look at segment on instructions how to change this part.

You can replace the part with your own Domain name. It is simple to do:

Set up your domain

Pick a domain that should be used. For instance if your web content is under 

then you could choose for instance 

You will need to update your DNS records so that point to the IP address of the INTERDUBS data center that you use.

As of July 2014 these IPs are: for for for

If you are in doubt about the IP address to use then simply enter the IP address in your browser. You should see the INTERDUBS home page.

Once you have set up your DNS you can change the INTERDUBS configuration to generate the proper links. In order to create links like 

you would need to set the configuration parameter

client domain


Please note that your client links will fail if you enter a domain that is not set up to point to the proper data center.


If you generate a https link with encryption then INTERDUBS will switch back to the * since there the certificate name does not match your client domain.

If you like to use https together with a client domains then we will need to request and generate a certificate specifically for your domain.

We charge a setup fee of 50 USD and 50 USD for the actual certificate for one year. We will also need to give you your own IP address. For the address we charge 10 USD a month. The certificate will be for one client domain. Using multiple client domains we would need to repeat this step.

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