Access control

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admin users

Company personal controlling INTERDUBS content are referred to as admin users. Each admin user signs in with their email and a personal password.

New admin user

People that do not have an admin sign-in yet can easily request them via the request new admin-user screen. An existing admin user with root priviliges will have to approve their request. Approval and notification are handled via email

Users can be temporary disabled.

All actions are being logged against that admin.

Preferences are being remembered for a given admin.

Data from other users

All admins share each others data. If not configured differently then content was created by you will be bold, that of others not.

See also Folder_permissions

Using multiple INTERDUBS segments as an admin

As an admin user you can have access to the multiple INTERDUBS segments. You need to request a new sign-in in each segment you like to use. Approval and settings are being handled individually.

If you use the same email address for your admin sign ins then INTERDUBS will understand that you are the same person and will not ask for a password again when you change segments.

Should you have created admin sign-ins with different email address and would like to have them merged then please get in touch and let us know about:

email address used 
segment used
desired new email address that your sign-ins should be consolidated under


If the admin credentials for your company exist already in a Ldap data based then you can use this to manage your INTERDUBS admin users. See Ldap for details.

Shared admin use

You can use only one admin sign-in. Please see Shared_admin_use for details why this is having allot of draw backs.

client access

Client access is independent of admin access. Client access is being referred to as logins while admins have a sign-in.

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