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When you


a file then it will be removed from its folder and will be put into the INTERDUBS


INTERDUBS will check if a file with the same content exists elsewhere in your segment and will offer to delete the files there as well.


Deleting a


will move all contained files into the


All folders contained in the folder will also be deleted.

Archive Flag

Files that have the

 archive flag 

set will be moved into a folder called /ARCHIVED_FILES when the folder containing them gets removed.


Files in the trash can be accessed via the


in the folder screen.

If you like to make files temporary not accessible you can use the hide function. See File_Management#hide for details.

Files in the trash for longer than 30 days will be deleted. Depending on storage use this time can be longer as well.

Files in the trash do not get counted in the total storage size for the Interdubs segment.

Recover files from trash

You can recover single files from the trash, if you need them again:

Click on the

 copy file into OUT_OF_TRASH icon. 

The file will be put into a new folder called OUT_OF_TRASH. The file will be re-introduced to INTERDUBS, so it might take a while to appears. Files that got deleted after July 2014 will have their meta data recovered as well.

Should you have deleted larger amount of files then please get in touch. We can often recover large batches of deleted files in a semi-automatic process.

Trash navigation

In order to see files that have been deleted earlier use the

 previous files



function will also search the trash. At this point only the file name can be used to find files in the trash.


A root admin can delete files in your trash by choosing

 permanently delete all files 

button. This might take a little while, depending on the number of files.

You can delete a single file in the trash click on the

 permanently delete one file 

icon in the listing.

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