Reel Engagement

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Reel Engagement


Starting in Februrary 2012 INTERDUBS keeps track of detailed reel interactions.


INTERDUBS always logged access to reels. However the mere fact that a client opened an email or a reel does not shed much light on the amount of interaction that she had with the content of the reel.

Therefor INTERDUBS tracks bow views based on actual playback on the client computer. This allows the sender of the reel to identify which clips were of interest.

Extended Reellog

The results of the Extended Reellog are automatically been listed in the normal INTERDUBS log screens.


Playback of clips is being indicated with gray arrows that are arranged below the thumbnails.

The width of the thumbnail represents the clip length. If a clip is being played entirely then the playback arrow below it is as long as the icon.

play through

When clips get played automatically one after each other than the start of the arrow is an angle, not a straight line. This means that your client / prospect sat back and enjoyed playing clip after clip.

jump to other clip

When the reel visitor jumps to another clip then the arrow starts with a straight line on the left. In this example the vistor clicked on the Madonna video while the Diet Coke clip was still playing.

jumping back

If the viewer goes back in time, then INTERDUBS will display the next views with arrows in a line below. You can follow the actions of your visitor by reading the arrows as if they were lines of text.

A message "continued on next line" is being displayed as a reminder that all arrows belong to one visit.

scrubbing to single frames

If the visitor stops playback and inspects individual frames then this is being indicated by single vertical lines.


Below the row of icons the system will display some statistics.

Reel Length

The sum of the running lengths of all clips in the reel.

ratio watched

The length of playback for this visit versus the length of the reel. It is common that people click away after a short time.

Ratios over 100% are possible too, since people can watch clips multiple times. As long as they stay on the page these play events will be logged in the same reellog event.

total time spent with reel

This is the time between the first and the last event of the page. If people leave a page open for a while then this time can be significantly longer than the content of the reel.

looked at X of Y clips

The system displays here how many of the clips in the reels have been looked at. A partial view counts here.


We like to present features to our clients quickly to give them the ability to give us feedback early and often. This also means that there are sometimes loose ends and shortcomings. Please help us by letting us know what you feel we should improve.

Reel got updated since this visit

When a reel gets updated / altered then the display of the play statistics of older versions of the reel is no longer possible.

Playback from log

Clicking on the icon will play the clip in a new window.

More than 10 seconds needed

A reellog will only be displayed if the total engagement time is longer than 10 seconds.

It is possible to disable the Extended Reellog feature via a configuration variable.

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