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INTERDUBS creates an MD5 checksum for each file that it stores.

These checksums are only identical if a file is identical.

These checksums can and will be used in various ways. Right now the only application is that you will get a notificaton if you upload a file that already exists in INTERDUBS.

If you like to check if the data you have uploaded got copied correctly you can look up the INTERDUBS md5 checksum under the edit file screen. This should be identical to the md5 checksum of the original file. You can also search#md5_checksum for an Md5 which will look for all files with the same content.

In OS X the md5 checksum can be determined with the terminal application. Simply type:


If you open the terminal application and type 'md5 ' you can then drop the file into the terminal to get its path. When done hit enter.

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