Login embargo

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You can set a date and time before that a login is not accessible. Since this feature is not frequently in use it has a non intuitive interface right now.

Of course this could be changed in the future. INTERDUBS uses the


setting for a login to define an embargo time. The format of the point in time that the login will only be accessible after is defined via so called 'epoch time'.

The site http://www.epochconverter.com/ offers tools to look up the 'epoch time' for any date. For instance the value for January 29th, 2015 9am PST would be 1422550800.

Once you have your desired epoch time you can add it like


or shorter


anywhere in the password field. You can place this anywhere in the password with other text or it can be in the password below.

When somebody would access the link before the defined date they will see this message:

Link is not active yet.
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