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Interdubs can store all files. But for clips and images it does a couple of extra things. It will create thumbnails. It also will notes the resolution and length in the case of clips.


recognized extensions

INTERDUBS will detect the file type based on the file extenison it does finds:

quicktime: .mov .mp4 .m4v .m1v .m2v .mpv .mpg .mpeg

audio files: .mp3 .wav .aiff

flash video: .flv

flash content .swf

windows media: .wmv .avi

images: .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .tif .tiff .tga

PDF: .pdf

zip files: .zip


While INTERDUBS will always transfer files from and to your clients securely and guarded by a checksum it will offer many features for specific file types:

common files

All but 1 in 1,000 files gets at least an icon in INTERDUBS based on the extension. All files have a size and a date. We maintain the original uploaded time stamp that the file had.

image files

Image files will get a thumbnail based on the content and the system knows the resolution.

PDF files

PDF get a thumbnail based on the first page of the document

zip files

INTERDUBS can list or extract the contents of zip files. You can also upload web pages into INTERDUBS via zip files.

audio files

audio files can be played embedded on the page

wmv files

WMV files will be detected a video be played embedded Thumbnails can be picked by entering a time in seconds.

flv files

Flash video files will be played in a flash video player

swf files

SWF files will be played inside of a page

quicktime files

For quicktime files INTERDUBS allows the interactive selection of thumbnails. At this point files by quicktime are the only files that will get display in quickReel looks.

other extensions

If INTERDUBS should not recognize the file extension then it will simply store and serve the file again.

When INTERDUBS can not generate an icon based on the content it will pick one representing the file type.

You can use add icon, found under edit file to add one if you like.

the browser / web server and other file types

When INTERDUBS does not recognize the file as an image or movie then it will just link to the file directly. In the case of pdf files for instance this does work in all cases. Other files have varying success. In order for a link to work the web server and web browser need to know what to do with the file in question. If it should be the web server that gets in the way, then please let us know: We are happy to change this.

ways to always get your file

Under no circumstances would INTERDUBS alter the content of the files that you upload.

You can upload anything. The client download function will give you back those files in all cases.

Actual extensions in use

In September 2013 these extensions were in use in INTERDUBS:

65.5% mov 
9.5% jpg 
5.7% mp4 
3.6% m4v 
3.2% mp3 
2.4% wmv 
1.3% zip 
1.2% png 
1.2% pdf 
1.1% aif 
0.8% wav 
0.6% tif 
0.5% edl 
0.4% psd 
0.4% jpeg 
0.2% omf 
0.2% mpg 
0.2% flv 
0.2% ari 
0.1% tga 
0.1% swf 
0.1% mxf 
0.1% m4a 
0.1% eps 
0.1% dpx 
0.1% docx 
0.1% doc 
0.1% avi 
0.1% aiff 
0.1% ai 
0.1% aaf 

In July 2012 these extensiobs were in use in INTERDUBS:

62.3% mov 
9.1% jpg 
4.1% mp4 
4.1% m4v 
2.9% mp3 
2.6% wmv 
1.7% zip 
1.7% tif 
1.3% doc 
1.2% tga 
1.2% aif 
1.0% pdf 
0.9% png 
0.7% wav 
0.6% mpg 
0.6% edl 
0.5% exr 
0.5% dpx 
0.3% tiff 
0.3% flv 
0.3% aaf 
0.2% xls 
0.2% rgb 
0.2% psd 
0.2% omf 
0.2% jpeg 
0.1% txt 
0.1% mxf 
0.1% m4a 
0.1% docx 
0.1% avi 
0.1% aiff 
0.1% ai 

End of February 2010 these extensions were in use in INTERDUBS:

59.1% mov quicktime
12.9% jpg image
6.0% m4v quicktime
3.7% mp4 quicktime
2.6% wmv windows media
2.2% aif audio file
2.0% doc 
1.7% zip 
1.5% mp3 audio file
1.3% tif image
1.0% pdf acrobat
1.0% mpg quicktime
0.6% wav audio file
0.5% flv flash video
0.4% xls 
0.4% png image
0.4% edl 
0.3% psd  
0.3% omf 
0.2% tga 
0.2% jpeg 
0.1% tiff 
0.1% rar 
0.1% pct 
0.1% m2v 
0.1% gif 
0.1% eps 
0.1% dpx 
0.1% avi 
0.1% aiff 
0.1% 3gp 

As of June 2009 these are the extentions in use in INTERDUBS:

56.0% mov quicktime
18.5% mp4 quicktime
7.2% jpg  image
6.6% m4v  quicktime
2.1% wmv  windows media
1.5% aif  audio file
1.3% zip  
1.2% mpg  quicktime
1.0% mp3 
0.7% tif  image
0.7% pdf  PDF
0.4% tga  image
0.4% psd 
0.4% omf 
0.2% wav 
0.2% flv 
0.2% edl 
0.1% vob 
0.1% png  
0.1% pct 
0.1% m2v 
0.1% gif 
0.1% avi 
0.1% aiff 

As of February 2008 those were the extensions of all files in INTERDUBS:

68.6% mov quicktime
9.2% m4v  quicktime
6.4% jpg  image
2.7% wmv  windows media
2.1% mp4  quicktime
2.0% mpg  quicktime
1.8% aif
1.6% zip
1.2% tif  image
0.7% pdf  
0.6% omf
0.6% mp3
0.5% JPG  image
0.3% avi  windows media
0.2% psd  
0.2% png  image
0.2% jpeg image
0.1% wav  
0.1% tga  
0.1% sitx
0.1% m2v  quicktime
0.1% gif  image
0.1% db
0.1% aiff

quicktime / image / windows media indicate that INTERDUBS will use the respective handlers for the file. In all other cases the file will be given to the browser by the web server directly. Which works for many types like pdf and mp3.

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