Transfer between segments

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INTERDUBS hosts contents in separated segments. These segments are independent from each other for security purposes. Usually each client has their own segment.

If you like to transfer files between different INTERDUBS segments then you can do so easily. You can make any folder in your segment the target of such transfers. You can specify if you like to make this for a specific other segment or for all segments.


For this example we assume that you would like to copy files from the segment called source into the segment called target. The URLS of these segments would be and respectively.


Start by making a folder ready to become a target in the target segment.

Navigate in the target segment to the desired folder and select the

 folder edit  

screen. There you will find the

 add folder as import option 

button. On the next screen are two fields:

The first is name of the INTERDUBS segment that will be able to see this target. We would enter source in our example. If you like to create a public destination the you would enter public here.

The second field on this screen is used to attach further information about the purpose of this destination folder. It is recommended to make this descriptive. This and the name of your segment will be the only information that is visible in the source segment.

The folder will remain a target as long as it exists.


Now that we have set our target we can switch to the source segment.

Go to the folder that contains the file(s) that you like to export into the source segment. Select those files with the check boxes in front of them.

Then select the

 export screen

A list of all available import folders that have been set up will appear.

Choose the target you like via the


button and the files will be copied into the target segment.


The process is actually made out of an export and then automatic import via the API interface. Meta data will make it, but your choice for the thumbnail will not.

The copied files are absolutely independently of each other. It might take a minute or two before the files appear in the target folder.


The creator of the import folder will receive an email notification with a list of the transferred files.


A transfer target can be disabled by

 folder edit


 remove folder as import option


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