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You can add to any folder or file text with the add note function found in the edit file or edit folder screen.

Notes can be great tool to convey information for a folder or file.

The text for folders will appear in the client view where IDXHTML_MCOMMENT is found in the play screen.

The text for files will appear in the client view where IDXHTML_COMMENT is found.

The Note for a file will automatically prepend IDXHTML_CONTENT in the directory view.

IDXHTML_NOCRCOMMENT is a variant of IDXHTML_COMMENT displayed in file listings. The later one will prepend the comment with a line break, the former one does not do this.

Referencing other pages

When you edit a note a list of all logins in open jobs will appear below. If you click on the add link icon for this login then a link to that login will be added at the current cursor position.

If the login has an image assigned then you also will see this image and have the option to add code for the image and the link via the add image and link icon.

One application of this mechanism is it to build pages for indivdual artists / types of works and combine them for a customized presentation.

If there is a idx_folder.png icon in the segment then you also have the choice to insert the login with a folder icon attached.

Keywords in Notes


You can insert HTML into the listing.

For instance can you create section breaks in your listings with this feature.

Please see IDXINSERTHTML for details.


If a note contains CIDXNODOWNLOAD then download will be disabled for that element. CIDXNODOWNLOAD will of course not show in the actual note.

This flag is deprecated. Instead select the files you like to disable from downloads with the check box in front of it and then select

 disable download

to prevent a download of the file.


If a note contains CIDXNOPLAYLINK then the play link will not be displayed for this item.

Making file a link to a different page

If you start a note with a URL like then clicking on that file will actually bring you to that link, not to the desired file.

See note with link to other page for details.

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