Named link

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Named Link



INTERDUBS will generate a secure and unguessable link for each login and folder.

Sometimes it can be desired that a link is something that people can remember, or that simply looks more meaningful.

Adding a named link during login creation

When you create a new login you can select the check box for

create named link with the same name

and a named link will be created that has the same name as the login.

Adding named link to an existing login

With the

 add named link 

function in the

 edit login 

founder under logins you can assign a new named link to an existing login. You can have as many named links pointing to the same login as you like.

Characters used

Characters in Named Links will be converted into all lowercase by the system. They only can consist of letter, numbers and the _ character.

Named links listed

In the


screen you can find under

 named links

a list of all the named links that have been created.

Named link removal

You can remove a named link via the

 remove named link

function. While access via that named link will be removed it still exists via the normal login links.


When we created a named link with the name review01 in the example INTERDUBS segment then this created the following link:


Once you have assigned a named link INTERDUBS will offer you to use this link when you send out an email for the login that this link points to.

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