Automatic upload

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Automatic uploads

The automatic upload script uses the python upload via API script to upload each file.

This script is written in perl, and can be downloaded here: []

The script will scan a directory and will upload all new files to INTERDUBS.

The script creates a secondary directory structure that contains with flag files. These indicate if a file has been uploaded already or if it is new / updated. Those flag files do not take up much space.

Run the script requires no parameters. Before you run it, you will need to update a couple of variables to configure it.

You will find the following variables in the top of the script:

the location of the python upload script

the path of the source folder

the path of the folders for the flags (make sure it is outside of the source folder) 

the INTERDUBS API Key that you create in the INTERDUBDS admin interface 

the folder inside of INTERDUBS

Please get in touch should we be able to assist you with the implementation of this.

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